Post by ObiWanRight now I have the program hard coded to Set
objSAPI.Voice = objSAPI.GetVoices.Item(0)
Well, start by checking if there's ANY installed voice, if not then
give the user a notice and disable all options, otherwise, you may
consider using a collection carrying structures like this one (e.g.)
Type SAPIvoice
nIndex As Long ' index of voice, zero based
sDescr As String ' description
sGender As String ' gender
sAge As String ' age
sLangID As String ' language ID
End Type
then you loop over the voices like in
nVoices = objSAPI.GetVoices.Count
For i=0 To nVoices-1
set objVoice = objSAPI.GetVoices.Item(i)
... see below ...
Next i
and for each voice you'll retrieve the desired informations by using
commands like these
sName= objSAPI.GetVoices.Item(i).GetAttribute("Name")
sGender = objSAPI.GetVoices.Item(i).GetAttribute("Gender")
sAge = objSAPI.GetVoices.Item(i).GetAttribute("Age")
sLangID = objSAPI.GetVoices.Item(i).GetAttribute("Language")
which you can then use to populate the structure members, after which
you'll add the structure to your collection, ad that point it will be
easy to use the collection to feed an array tied to a combobox and
allowing the user to select the desired voice; notice that the language
ID is a hex string, so you may want to decode that to a human readable
language name, a way to do that is to have a builtin table containing
these codes
in hex format (e.g. 409 = 1033 -> English/US) and then using it to turn
the hex code in "Language ID" to a readable string, also notice that
the SAPI can also perform some attributes matching, for example to only
return voices in a given language or for a given gender
as explained above
Thanks. I have some of that coded already. See below. I will see how
what I have done matches up with what you have posted. After testing
both voices that come with Windows 10 I see that the rate I have that
worked well on Windows 7 and 1 Windows 10 voice doesn't work well with
the other windows 10 voice. So I thinking about adding, letting the User
be able to adjust the rate.
Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
Attribute VB_Creatable = False
Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
Attribute VB_Exposed = False
Option Explicit
Dim RECIN As String
Dim WorkString As String
Dim WorkString2 As String
Dim Voice_Count As Integer
Dim sMsg, objSAPI, T
Private Sub Form_Load() 'Start Up code
Me.Left = (Screen.Width - Me.Width) / 2 'Center form on screen
Me.Top = (Screen.Height - Me.Height) / 2
sMsg = "Hello World, this is S.A.P.I. that is, Speech API"
Set objSAPI = CreateObject("SAPI.SPVoice")
' My Windows 7 Computer only has 1 Voice
Voice_Count = objSAPI.GetVoices.Count
MsgBox "Voice Count = " & Voice_Count
Set objSAPI.Voice = objSAPI.GetVoices.Item(0)
' Get each token in the collection returned by GetVoices
For Each T In objSAPI.GetVoices
WorkString = T.GetDescription 'The token's name
List1.AddItem WorkString ' Add to listbox
MsgBox WorkString
' The default rate for a voice is set through Speech properties in
Control Panel.
' Values for the Rate property range from -10 to 10, which represent the
' and the fastest speaking rates, respectively.
objSAPI.Rate = -5
objSAPI.Volume = 100
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Unload(Cancel As Integer) 'User Exited by Using Close
Call Exit_Click
End Sub
Private Sub Exit_Click() 'End Program
Dim FormX As Form
For Each FormX In Forms
If FormX.Name <> Me.Name Then
Unload FormX
Set FormX = Nothing
End If
Next FormX
Set objSAPI = Nothing
Unload Me
End Sub
Private Sub Speak_Click()
' objSAPI.Speak sMsg
objSAPI.Speak Text1.Text
End Sub
Private Sub Select_Voice_Click()
Frame1.Visible = True
End Sub
Private Sub List1_Click()
On Error GoTo Selection_Problem
If List1.ListIndex > -1 Then
' Set voice object to voice name selected in
' list box then have new voice speaks its own name
Set objSAPI.Voice = objSAPI.GetVoices().Item(List1.ListIndex)
objSAPI.Speak List1.Text
Frame1.Visible = False
MsgBox "Please select a voice from the list box."
End If
Exit Sub
If Err.Number Then
WorkString2 = "Desc: " & Err.Description & vbNewLine
WorkString2 = WorkString2 & "Err #: " & Err.Number
MsgBox WorkString2, vbExclamation, "Run-Time Error"
End If
End Sub
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